One afternoon last week, we picked the kids up after school and headed to the beach for our last after-school stop before the time change. (This time of year, that hour of afternoon light makes a noticeable difference.) I’d planned this a couple of days earlier, and I’d packed snacks and beach gear in advance, […]
island living
In Short, I Brought My Pumpkin to the Beach
First of all, I just unwittingly walked all over the island with a semi-large toothpaste stain on my shirt this morning. And this was, on my honor, after congratulating myself for finding and removing a small, unidentifiable stain on the shirt when I first put it on. This doesn’t really relate to anything at all, […]
Things I Love About Island Living: #16
I love, at dawn or dusk or both, the sight of gold breaking on blue. For other thoughts on island living, you may want to check out #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, and #15.
Seeing the “Afterâ€
If you live in the coastal Southeast, you’ve seen a lot the last couple of weeks. In the beginning of Matthew, you spent untold hours scouring every weather outlet you could find, hoping for eastward turns toward open sea, praying for dissipation. You packed and left, or you hunkered down to wait while sustained winds […]
Part of the Silence
According to Irish writer Robert Lynd, “In order to see birds it is necessary to become part of the silence.†Having walked the earth for well over a decade alongside the children I put here, this silence, in this last decade-plus, has been about as likely as an uninterrupted glass of wine, a short chapter […]
- Island Life
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In Other Fishing News
I am pleased to report that the Net of Our Discontent lived to see another fishing day, and this one was more fruitful. I was sitting on the beach a few yards away from the kids, having another “this is the life†moment, when I heard their voices grow louder and more excited. The three […]