‘Tis the Week Before Christmas

‘Tis the week before Christmas, and all through the island house, all the creatures are stirring and have already accomplished the following: Baked Christmas cookies twice Shopped with a ten-year-old girl for another ten-year-old girl (a harrowing and laborious feat) Attended one Christmas party Missed one Christmas party (long story) Discovered, after all our paring […]

On Thanksgiving

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but the shrimp boats always seem to be the most prevalent near our shoreline right around Thanksgiving. I watch them at dawn, the sun rising fire-like behind them, and in the afternoon, as they travel through the sun’s white path across the waves. At dusk, I watch their lights turn […]

Fall All the Same

During a scene in The Great Gatsby where several characters languish in the summer heat of New York City, one character chastises another for being “morbid” in her attitude and declares that “life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Here, the weather doesn’t get “crisp” in the fall the way […]