We interrupt the regularly scheduled Island Mom programming to bring you the following public service announcement:
I’ve found another chocolate recipe, one that combines my love of chocolate with…
(dramatic drum roll here)
my love of chocolate chip cookie dough.
Actually, I found it awhile back, but She-Who-Is-Slow-To-Implement finally got around to making it last Sunday.
If you like chocolate and chocolate chip cookie dough, you need to run over to Comfortably Domestic’s blog and try her Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles recipe.
I’m just saying. It’s that good.
I do have a wee bit of a confession to make here. The recipe calls for 7 ounces of condensed milk. I coincidentally had a 14 ounce can, so being the mathematician that I am, I pointed out to LCB that I could at least consider doubling the recipe.
“That might be a little risky given I’ve never made it before,†I ventured to him.
“Wait, what are you making again?†he asked.
I told him the name and a one-sentence summary of what the recipe entailed.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, that’ll be really risky for you,†he concluded with more sarcasm than one would think one could muster into one relatively small sentence.
I double-batched it.
And I tasted afterward, and tasted that it was good indeed, to be a woman with a double batch of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles in her refrigerator.
Trust me, folks. Mine may look like a veritable disaster melting in the sun not especially pretty, since I was in a bit of a time crunch and totally lacked a smidgen of patience while making them and since I was lacking two items key to the truffles’ overall aesthetic appeal. But do not, I repeat, do not judge this book by its cover.
Just make them, and you’ll see.
We will return to previously scheduled postings momentarily. But you should know that, when it comes to chocolate, I do feel a moral obligation to share any finds with you.
In fact, I might even make this a regular, albeit tangential, category on my blog.
If I do, naturally I’ll post it in order of its importance, right before “Education.â€
In the voice of Homer Simpson: “Mmmmmm Chocolate…..”
I’m sitting on the couch much like he would right now, having just consumed some. 🙂
Drool….(I’ll make some but I’m not sure about the whole “sharing with the kids” thing).
Hint: They’re rather small, so they’re perfect for sneaking when the kids are looking. Not that I’ve done it or anything. 😉
Oh, my… these sound awefully good. Wouldn’t last more than a day with me!
That’s why you double-batch it. 😉
Woman you crack me up. I can’t wait to try them.
Sorry, I can’t help it. It just happens. 🙂