For 2014

IMG_5855Last night, a series of events that included a less-than-fascinating movie choice on LCB’s part led me to peruse the internet. Somehow, I wound up on my own site.

One thing led to another, and I started thinking about how this sort of thing never happened to me ten years ago. (Surprisingly, I didn’t have a heavy web presence back in aught four, what with all the moving and birthing and listening to LCB talking about all the moving and birthing and all.) This led me to consider that if I ever acquire a retroactive ability to time travel into both the past and the future, I could really freak my own self out.

Just saying.

Yes, I stayed up far, far too late last night.

Well, to be honest, that had nothing to do with it. I think those types of things all the time, whether I’m trying to survive the night without food and shelter in the Mojave Dessert or sipping a smoothie while shopping during my lunch break. (I haven’t actually done either of those things; in reality, I’ve never been to the Mojave and I could hardly exit the school parking lot before my lunch break would be over. I’m merely illustrating my point.)

Anyway, I started looking over my posts from the last two New Years and realized what I’d planned to write for this year was essentially redundant. Seems I’m trapped in my same small circles of thought. Either that or the meds I’m taking for my sinus infection are reversing my mental direction.

100_7500But it’s true. I am, even more than I was two years ago, so grateful for all of you who take time out of your day to read my ado about almost nothing.

100_5448And it’s also true that I wish for you the same things I wished for you last year: abundant sun, food, and dolphin sightings, as well as fleeting storms, endless horizons, and the strength to catch one more wave.

100_7808But if I can add more to last year’s list, I’ll offer this as well: May this be the year for you when sorrow is turned to joy and gladness, and mourning is turned to feasting and celebration.

Happy New Year to all y’all!

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