First, I would be most remiss not to thank all of you who have spent some of your precious time in 2015 huddled over your phones and your computers, your coffee cups and your wine glasses in hand (sometimes simultaneously perhaps), reading stuff written by some mom that lives on an island.
Bless you. I am so grateful for each of you.
I’m no more immune to the impulse for reflection at the year’s end than anyone else, so I went through some of the year’s posts the other day, and picked out a few of the more popular posts that also reflect many of the year’s highlights.
This year began with The Fountain of Starbucks, where I chronicle my lovely experience of being given (not offered, mind you) the senior citizens’ discount on coffee.
Then in March, in Yet Again, I Still Haven’t Fallen Off the Face of the Earth, I wrote a bunch of mumble jumble about several things, including how busy my semester schedule was after picking up a couple of extra classes. Mainly, I just like the title on this one, but it also reminded me that I never published the promised post on the time I thought I was dead, so I’ll try to clean that up soon and hit publish on the gem that’s kept the masses in suspense.
May brought a reflection, Better Than Our First Drafts, based on my writing lab experiences of working with seniors on college application essays, on what our drafts say about us.
In June, my teaching experiences of the past year or two led to a list of funny things said in my hallowed halls of academia.
The second list in June was my annual summer list of how to celebrate summer, this time compiled largely by Baby-Girl.
And because I’m always current, Girl Meets West #7, detailing our summer vacation, came out in November. Before this year, I would have wondered why anyone even marginally coherent would still be writing about a summer vacation in November, but then I found myself with two new classes to prepare for, including an AP level class, and well, here we are. In fact, the next installment of the tale will come out in January, which means I’ll probably finish the summer vacation series just in time for next summer.
Well, that’s a wrap for 2015. So, whether you’re celebrating this new year with Dom or Starbucks, with all-night parties or stay-at-home movies, with milk chocolate or dark chocolate, may your celebration and your 2016 be blessed.